Conversion of units refers to conversion
factors between different units of measurement for the same quantity. Convert
from know to unknown unit and vice versa.
- Available wide range of conversion domains.
- Choose different conversion units available in each domain.
- Convenient and simple to use.
- Real time conversion.
- Standard converter and calculation.
- Multiple screen size support. (Small screen Phones to Tablets)
- Multiple language support.
- Available in 5 localized languages. (Chinese, English, Hindi, Japanese, Korean)
- Move to SD.
Temperature Conversion Activity |
Temperature Conversion Window
Select the different conversion units available in the Temperature conversion domain to convert from know to unknown unit and vise versa.
(eg. convert from Celsius to Kelvin or vice versa)
Computed Result |
On hitting the convert button the converted result is displayed to the user.
Different conversion units for conversion |
Simply convert from one unit to another by selecting different conversion units available in the list.
App localized to multiple language. (Chinese, English, Hindi, Japanese, Korean)
Multi Screen Size Support
Application runs on all size android devices from small screen size phones to large tablets.
Application specially customized for android tablets